Before infection spread of COVID-19, tourists from greater China (China/Taiwan/Hong Kong) account for 53% of foreign tourists visiting Japan. Retail/Restaurant/Lodging industries depend on shopping spree of Chinese people. Due to pandemic, now the situation has completely changed. The above industries suffer most from restriction of entry due to COVID-19,

According to the survey by Japan Inbound Media Consortium (JIMC), the most popular touristic destination in China is Japan. (questionnaire survey to 145 internet users in China, the name of country wish to visit after the end of infection spread. result #1 Japan 44% #2 Thailand 12%)
Following chart shows that the prefecture (destination) which Chinese people wish to visit for the next trip. Interestingly, absolute #1 is Hokkaido – almost double of nation’s capital Tokyo. The eastern and northern Hokkaido is the scene of 2008’s megahit movie in China. Thanks to rich natural resources, delicious food, ski resorts, it is the place many Chinese people wish to visit there.

Also, according the survey by the marketing company Trend Express, number of tweets on Chinese SNS ‘I want to see cherry blossom in Japan.’ surged in February – March 2020.
These data show that Chinese people still have passion to visit Japan after the end of pandemic.

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